Best Pension Annuity is a trading style of Platinum Financial Consulting AUTHORISED & REGULATED BY THE FINANCIAL CONDUCT AUTHORITY
Your Pension Fund is a valuable asset that was intended to provide income in your retirement. Please think carefully before making an irreversible decision
Please Note : The new Pension Freedoms place a great deal of responsibility on the customer to make the right long term decision about their pension fund and how it is used. While Government Ministers say they "trust" people to make the right decisions, they will not have to deal with the financial consequences of a customer making the wrong decision. Your pension fund was intended to provide you with a long term income in retirement, if you take it all as one lump sum you may find yourself with little or no income during the later years of your life. This website does not give personal financial advice, you should think very carefully before making an irreversible decision. If you are in any doubt please request our independent financial advice service or speak to the Govenment's free guidance service Pension Wise.
This website is for information purposes only.
This website DOES NOT contain personal advice based on your circumstances.